
Sunday May 28, 2023
Shed Shame
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
There are predictable directions we head when we feel the sting of shame. If we don't share it and shed it, it moves us to cover up, hide out, blame, or justify and excuse. At the heart of shame is alienation, and it can lead up to self-harm or annihilation. If we face it and share it, it opens us to grace. Grace is the favor we do not deserve, and at the heart of grace is acceptance and affection. We cannot heal our own shame. It disconnects us from relationship and can only be healed by reaching out to God and others.

Saturday May 27, 2023
Shame - Condemnation or Invitation?
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
Shame is a universally painful experience we feel when we become aware of our inadequacy, our brokenness, our failures, and flaws. It can push us down into isolation and drive us deep into disconnection and alienation. At its worst, it can lead to annihilation. But when we choose to reach out and share our shame, we open ourselves to acceptance and grace.

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Burdens, Blessings, and Grace
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
On this episode of The Westcliffe Climb, Joshua Duffy and Paul Looney discuss God's desire to partner with us to grow us and fill us with HIs love.

Monday Apr 29, 2013
Denial - Dave James
Monday Apr 29, 2013
Monday Apr 29, 2013
In this podcast Dave James challenges us to leave the beach of denial and get on board with recovery. His humorous and engaging style helps bring home the point of this powerful message. Surf's up!

Monday Feb 11, 2013
Growing with God 3- Yield to Him
Monday Feb 11, 2013
Monday Feb 11, 2013
As we let go of our fantasy of running our own show, we can determine to let our loving Father have the reins. In the third beatitude, Jesus promises - "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." When we surrender to God, everything He has becomes available for our enjoyment.

Monday Feb 04, 2013
Growing with God 2 - Feel Your Pain
Monday Feb 04, 2013
Monday Feb 04, 2013
In the second beatitude, Jesus extols the virtue of grieving. When we have invested emotionally in something and lose it, we must mourn to let go. Ironically, grieving the past prepares us to embrace the future. Avoiding our feelings allows them to control us, but when face them and cast our cares on God, we find He calls us near.

Monday Feb 04, 2013
Growing with God 1 - Admit your need
Monday Feb 04, 2013
Monday Feb 04, 2013
As we are born again, Jesus invites us to cry out to our loving Father in heaven. Staying close to our brokenness keeps us close to the One Who Restores.

Monday Jan 14, 2013
Growing with God Introduction
Monday Jan 14, 2013
Monday Jan 14, 2013
This podcast introduces the series "Growing with God - Your ImPerfect Parent". It is a series that proposes the beatitudes as milestones of spiritual growth and maturity. Jesus invites us to become comfortable being uncomfortable so that we are impervious to the world's solutions to our problems.

Friday May 27, 2011
Bridging the Gap 2011 - Session 3.4
Friday May 27, 2011
Friday May 27, 2011
Bridging the Gap 2011 presents Lay Counseling Training at the Woodlands Church, Fellowship campus, by Dr. Paul Looney, MD. "Bridging the Gap" is designed to provide a better understanding of God's plan for healing. It provides an effective means of communication to individuals who are feeling discouraged and confused, helpless and alone. Each session is designed to provide information that is clinically sound and Biblically grounded. Session 3.4 -

Friday May 27, 2011
Bridging the Gap 2011 - Session 3.3
Friday May 27, 2011
Friday May 27, 2011
Bridging the Gap 2011 presents Lay Counseling Training at the Woodlands Church, Fellowship campus, by Dr. Paul Looney, MD. "Bridging the Gap" is designed to provide a better understanding of God's plan for healing. It provides an effective means of communication to individuals who are feeling discouraged and confused, helpless and alone. Each session is designed to provide information that is clinically sound and Biblically grounded. Session 3.3 -