
Tuesday Sep 21, 2010
God's Solution for Suffering
Tuesday Sep 21, 2010
Tuesday Sep 21, 2010
Vicky Dimmitt provides a fresh look at God's solution for suffering, and reminds us that our life events do not define us. We find our identity in God and how we relate to the events of our lives makes all the difference.

Monday Sep 13, 2010
Interview with David James
Monday Sep 13, 2010
Monday Sep 13, 2010
Dave James shares how he came into recovery and how his life is more satisfying and exciting than ever. Dave models a life of generosity and joy. In this podcast he offers wisdom and encouragement for the journey.

Saturday Aug 28, 2010
Out of Egypt - The Lost Things Panel
Saturday Aug 28, 2010
Saturday Aug 28, 2010
Dan McCauley, Marti Fleming, Sean and Karen Donham share how they have experienced being lost relationally and how God is moving them into new ways of relating. This podcast will help you see how the lost sheep, the lost coin, the prodigal son and the older brother show up in real life. You are invited to let God move you from the sidelines and into the game.

Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Out of Egypt - The Older Brother
Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Some of us found being a good little boy or good little girl very rewarding and safe. We like being able to control what happens to us by doing things by the book, expecting God and others to acknowledge our efforts. Sadly, some of us have made it our business to be more concerned about what is expected of us than we are aware of what we truly want and believe. We are angered when God is not fair and all our efforts and sacrifices seem to be for naught.

Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Out of Egypt - The Prodigal Son
Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Sunday Aug 22, 2010
Those who did not have adequate structure and stability to learn healthy submission may have to learn things the hard way. Like the prodigal son, we may buck the system even when it hurts us to do so. Fortunately, we have a Father willing to let us go our own way, hoping that we will return.

Monday Aug 09, 2010
Out of Egypt - The Lost Coin
Monday Aug 09, 2010
Monday Aug 09, 2010
The LOST COIN is a segment of Jesus' parable that shows us how the kingdom of heaven reclaims one who has lost their sense of worth and strength. This teaching proposes that true worth comes as we invite Jesus into our darkest and dirtiest places.

Monday Aug 09, 2010
Out of Egypt - The Lost Coin Introduction
Monday Aug 09, 2010
Monday Aug 09, 2010
If it did not seem safe to separate from Mom, asserting negative feelings and saying "NO!", we may find ourselves desperate to maintain relationships - perpetually pleasing others rather than taking a stand for out own souls. If you struggle with having appropriate boundaries, you may have some "lost coin" issues. This short podcast is an introduction to the teaching on the LOST COIN.

Monday Aug 02, 2010
Out of Egypt - The Lost Sheep
Monday Aug 02, 2010
Monday Aug 02, 2010
One of our most basic defenses is to withdraw. For those who have problems bonding, it is much easier to withdraw. Looking at Jesus' parable in Luke, chapter 15, we see how the kingdom responds to the lost sheep and goes after each of us when we wander off.

Friday Jul 23, 2010
Out of Egypt - developmental overview
Friday Jul 23, 2010
Friday Jul 23, 2010
To understand emotional defenses, it is helpful to understand healthy relational development. This podcast presents a brief overview with a bit about defensive responses to pain and threat.

Friday Jul 16, 2010
Out of Egypt - Introduction
Friday Jul 16, 2010
Friday Jul 16, 2010
In scripture, Egypt served as a place of refuge for Abraham, the Israelites and for Jesus. Unfortunately, the place of refuge became a place of bondage. As such, Egypt provides a powerful analogy to our emotional defenses. While they limited our pain in childhood, they limit our freedom as adults. Because He wants us to trust Him day by day, God calls us to move out from self protection - Out of Egypt!