
Friday Jul 16, 2010
Finding Joy in Adversity
Friday Jul 16, 2010
Friday Jul 16, 2010
Always fresh and challenging, Vicky Dimmitt shares the surprising truth that God uses hardship to deepen our experience of His joy and peace.

Sunday Jun 20, 2010
Sunday Jun 20, 2010
Sunday Jun 20, 2010
Thankful. That is what God wants us to be. Wherever we find ourselves, we can cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude grants great gains in growth and grace. Grab on!

Sunday Jun 06, 2010
Beauty for Ashes - 4
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
This podcast finishes the series on the book of Nehemiah with encouragement to be both spiritual and practical.

Friday May 21, 2010
Beauty for Ashes - 3
Friday May 21, 2010
Friday May 21, 2010
Vicky Dimmitt offers a transforming look at forgiveness. In recovery, bitterness is a major obstacle and Vicky gives practical help in overcoming it. Learn with her what it means to "Let go and let God!" Note: the audio is low at the beginning and improves later. Thanks!

Thursday May 13, 2010
Beauty for Ashes - 2
Thursday May 13, 2010
Thursday May 13, 2010
The book of Nehemiah is a journal of a man who found personal healing through his faith and allowed God to use him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. This episode challenges us to catch a vision for God's work in us and to take action even in the face of fear.

Saturday May 08, 2010
Beauty for Ashes - 1
Saturday May 08, 2010
Saturday May 08, 2010
God intends to bring us through suffering to a place of healing and peace. This teaching begins with Isaiah 61 and proceeds to look at the life of Nehemiah for clues to understanding God's desire to use our pain to release His power in and through us.

Thursday Apr 29, 2010
Thursday Apr 29, 2010
Thursday Apr 29, 2010
If we have received help in God's ICU, we must spread the word to others needing healing. Wherever you are in the process, you can make a difference for others just by showing authentically. Be the message!

Thursday Apr 29, 2010
ICU-Steps 10 and 11- VITAL SIGNS
Thursday Apr 29, 2010
Thursday Apr 29, 2010
As we grow in recovery, daily inventory and increasing conscious contact with God are VITAL. This message encourages you to GUARD YOUR HEART and check in frequently with God and your own body and soul.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Purge the Files! Making Amends
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
After making and sharing our fearless moral inventory in Steps 4 and 5, and coming to terms with some of our character defects in Steps 6 and 7, we are ready to do some heavy lifting in our relationships. Step 8 has us make of list of persons we have harmed and become willing to make amends. Step 9 has us enter the danger and go to these people unless doing so would cause further harm. This message encourages us to process our feelings on paper so that amends are genuine and effective.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Character Defects Panel
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
As we walk through the steps to recovery, God is faithful to reveal our defects of character. Join Ann Rudd as she moderates a panel with Barry H., Debbie K., Judith A., Mark R. and Melanie A. Their message will inspire and encourage as you become "entirely ready" and "humbly ask" God to remove your character defects.