
Thursday Feb 18, 2010
ICU -Step Two-
Thursday Feb 18, 2010
Thursday Feb 18, 2010
After we admit powerlessness, we begin looking outside ourselves for help and hope. We need to hear the testimony of others, see evidence of transformation in their lives, and feel their warmth and acceptance in order to come to believe. While breath comes from God, there are times he depends on us to be the vessel. Sometimes we desperately need to give or receive mouth-to-mouth CPR.

Friday Feb 12, 2010
ICU-Step One-Cardiac Arrest
Friday Feb 12, 2010
Friday Feb 12, 2010
The church, at its best, provides intensive care for the soul. But the first step for all of us is admitting we are sick. AA brought us back to Jesus' disease model. He is the great healer.

Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Freedom Through Forgiveness 5/27/08
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Forgiveness is one of the greatest challenges of life. While it costs us a great deal to forgive, what we gain is enormous. God leads the way in forgiveness, and then he takes our lead.

Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Span the Gap - 3/24/2007, Session 2
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
We live in the gap between “what is” and “what ought to be”. In that gap we encounter grief and shame. We also find ourselves disconnected from our own souls and those around us. God, through Jesus and the cross, spans the gap, and counseling is a way to restore wholeness and promote restoration with God, self and other. Span the Gap also provides connections between Jesus’ teaching and what we have gained from observation and research in the behavioral sciences.

Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Span the Gap - 3/24/2007, Session 1
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
We live in the gap between "what is" and "what ought to be". In that gap we encounter grief and shame. We also find ourselves disconnected from our own souls and those around us. God, through Jesus and the cross, spans the gap, and counseling is a way to restore wholeness and promote restoration with God, self and other. Span the Gap also provides connections between Jesus' teaching and what we have gained from observation and research in the behavioral sciences.

Saturday Jan 23, 2010
Span the Gap 2007 - Depression II
Saturday Jan 23, 2010
Saturday Jan 23, 2010
Depression affects almost 10 per cent of the adult population in the US in a given year. Its effects can be devastating. This is part two of a talk given for lay counselors in training to provide information about recognition and treatment options.

Friday Jan 22, 2010
KICK IT! - 1/12/10
Friday Jan 22, 2010
Friday Jan 22, 2010
Nothing needs to change for you to enter in to peace. But if you stay there, everything will change. To be emotionally and spiritually sturdy, we must learn to care and not care simultaneously. We must be passionate and dispassionate in our pursuit of God. It is difficult, but possible, to want something desperately and still be okay if you do not get it.

Friday Jan 22, 2010
KICK IT! - 1/5/10
Friday Jan 22, 2010
Friday Jan 22, 2010
We all have things we need to ditch if we are to enjoy a life of freedom. Thoughts, attitudes and activities can keep us from joy, and judgment is a real killer. Join Dr. Looney in his desire to KICK IT!

Saturday Jan 16, 2010
Tending the Soul - the mind as garden
Saturday Jan 16, 2010
Saturday Jan 16, 2010
The soul requires tending. Like a garden, planting and pruning, watering and weeding allow us to see the flowering and fruitfulness that God desires for us.

Friday Jan 15, 2010
Soul Train or Soul Chain?
Friday Jan 15, 2010
Friday Jan 15, 2010
While our beliefs inform our response to events, consequences can also impact beliefs and future choices.